
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Assalamualaikum wbt..

Today was hard. I had a histology exam, with Prof Martinek as my examiner. It was hard. He was hard (or so I thought). I can answer the questions ON the paper, but when it comes to oral exam with him, he starts to explore the question in broader sense (and deeper too), and that make me go blank and feel like a fool.
Then I try to nail down my problem :
1. I wasn't prepared enough (I should go with the book rather than the otazky)
2. I had a problem in conversing with my examiner
3. I was super-scared.
Enough said. I am the only one to blame. -_-"

Nevertheless, everything happened with reasonS. And there must be lots and lots of good things awaiting me ahead. In a way, I am grateful.. Perhaps this is a reminder for me..

Bila engkau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu,yang mencipta segalanya, yang menimpakan uijan, yang menjadikan sakit hatimu, yang membuat keinginanmu terhalang, serta menyusahkan hidupmu, pasti akan damailah hatimu kerana masakan Allah sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia, bukan Allah tidak tahu deritanya hidupmu, retaknya hatimu, tapi mungkin itulah yang Allah mahukan kerana Allah tahu hati yang sebeginilah lebih mudah lunak dan mudah dekat dan akrab denganNya...

"Ya Allah, jika rezekiku masih di langit, turunkanlah, dan jika di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah,
jika sukar, permudahkanlah, jika haram, sucikanlah dan jika jauh, dekatkanlah."

Alhamdulillah, after several talk with several people, I'm back to myself. Thanks fellas.. U know who U r.. ^^

P/S : Kakak saya akan menuju ke gerbang alam rumah tangga pada 17 Julai 2010.. Weee... Mabruk, mabruk Kak Alia!! ^^,

(feels like singing Maher Zain's right now)

Barakallahhulaka wabaraka 'alaika wa jama'a bainakuma fi khoir

“Semoga Allah memberi berkah kepadamu dan atasmu serta mengumpulkan kamu berdua (pengantin laki-laki dan perempuan) dalam kebaikan.”HR. Penyusun-penyusun kitab Sunan, kecuali An-Nasai dan lihat Shahih At- Tirmidzi 1/316.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Assalamualaikum wbt...
Another post? That's fast! That's rare!
Attention readers! This post is gonna be SOO LONG.. So, if you guys are expecting me to ramble and talk about some crappy things, this is not the right one for you. Because this post falls under the category "REMINDER". Look at the title, and look at the tag. So this post serves the educational and reminding purpose. Nevertheless, I sincerely hope that you would care to read this, and care to share your thoughts.
Any comments or critics are welcome.
BUT, if you don't bother to read, the pleasure is entirely yours.
Whatever you say about me, be it good or bad things, I LIVE..
Bak kata pepatah Melayu, "Tak hidup dek puji, tak mati dek keji"
Coz I have Him... That would never judge me the way other people judges. The only judge whose verdict matters to me.

First and foremost, this post is not meant to encourage hatred towards YAHUDI..
Although some of us might say that we should, I'd like to quote some words from the book "Online dengan Tuhan", written by Zulkifli Khair.

Jangan mudah mengatakan bahawa semua Yahudi itu jahat, hal ini berdasarkan 2 hujah:

1 : Yahudi juga terangkum dalam Bani Israel, sedangkan ramai nabi dan rasul daripada kalangan Bani Israel seperti Yaakub, Yusuf dan lain-lain bagi menyelamatkan mereka supaya kembali ke jalan yang benar.

2 : Ramai dalam kalangan Yahudi yang anti-zionis termasuk rabbi (seperti paderi bagi Kristian). Malah, mereka berganding bahu bersama umat Islam dalam menentang Zionisme dan Israel.

Contoh orang Yahudi yang merupakan tokoh Islam.
1. Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
Terkenal dengan buku The Road to Mecca, menghasilkan tafsir lengkap (The message of Al Quran)
2. Maryam Jameelah (Margaret Marcus)
Menghasilkan buku-buku seperti Islam in Theory and Practice, Correspondence between Maulana Maudoodi and Maryam Jameelah Modern, dan Technology and the Dehumanization of Man.
3. Abdullah bin Sailam (al-Hussain bin Sailam)
Rabbi Yahudi pertama yang memeluk Islam. Pengislaman beliau diikuti oleh isteri dan anak-anaknya. Merupakan salah seorang sahabat yang dijanjikan syurga.

Nevertheless, we have to be aware with Y.A.H.U.D.I.
I was surfing the internet when I found this:

Dalam Al-quran sedikitnya disebutkan 22 sifat buruk bangsa Yahudi, iaitu:

1. Keras hati dan zalim (Al-Baqarah:75,91,93,120,145,170; An-Nisa:160; Al-Maidah:41)

2. Kebanyakan fasik dan sedikit beriman kepada Allah SWT (Ali Imran:110; An-Nisa:55)

3. Musuh yang paling bahaya bagi orang-orang Islam (Al-Maidah:82)

4. Amat mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan orang-orang Islam seperti mereka mengenal anak mereka sendiri (Al-An’am:20)

5. Mengubah dan memutarbalikkan kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:75,91,101,140,145,211; Ali Imron:71,78; An-Nisa:46; Al-Maidah:41)

6. Menyembunyikan bukti kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:76,101,120,146; Ali Imron:71)

7. Hanya menerima perkara-perkara atau kebenaran yang dapat memenuhi cita rasa atau nafsu mereka (Al-Baqarah:87,101,120,146; Al-Maidah:41)

8. Ingkar dan tidak dapat menerima keterangan dan kebenaran AlQuran (Al-Baqarah:91,99; Ali Imron:70)

9. Memekakkan telinga kepada seruan kebenaran, membisukan diri untuk mengucapkan perkara yang benar, membutakan mata terhadap bukti kebenaran dan tidak menggunakan akal untuk menimbangkan kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:171)

10. Mencampuradukkan yang benar dan yang salah, yang hak dan yang batil (Ali Imran:71)

11. Berpura-pura mendukung orang Islam tetapi apabila ada di belakang orang-orang Islam, mereka mengutuk dengan sekeras-kerasnya (Al-Baqarah:76; Ali Imran:72,119)

12. Hati meraka sudah tertutup akan Islam kerana dilaknat oleh Allah SWT yang disebabkan oleh kekufuran mereka sendiri (Al-Baqarah:88,120,145,146)

13. Kuat berpegang pada rasa kebangsaan mereka dan mengatakan bahwa mereka adalah bangsa yang istimewa yang dipilih oleh Tuhan dan menyakini agama yang selain daripada Yahudi adalah salah (Al-Baqarah:94,111,113,120,135,145; Al-Maidah:18)

14. Tidak akan ada kebaikan untuk seluruh manusia jika mereka memimpin (An-Nisa:53)

15. Tidak suka, dengki, iri hati terhadap orang-orang Islam (Al-Baqarah:90,105,109,120)

16. Mencintai kemewahan dan kehidupan dunia, bersifat tamak dan rakus, menginginkan umur yang panjang dan mengejar kesenangan serta takut akan kematian (Al-Baqarah:90,95,96,212)

17. Berkata bohong, mengingkari janji dan melampaui batas (Al-Baqarah:100,246,249 Ali Imran:183,184; An-Nisa:46)

18. Berlindung di balik mulut yang manis dan perkataan yang baik (Al-Baqarah:204,246; Ali Imron:72; An-Nisa:46)

19. Mengada-ada perkara-perkara dusta dan suka kepada perkara-perkara dusta (Ali Imran:24,94,183,184; Al-Maidah:41)

20. Berlaku sombong dan memandang rendah terhadap orang-orang Islam (Al-Baqarah:206,212,247)

21. Tidak amanah dan memakan hak orang lain dengan cara yang salah (Ali Imran:75,76; At-Taubah:34)

22. Selalu melakukan kerosakan dan menganjurkan peperangan (Ali Imran:64)


Source :

Care to share your thoughts? I welcome any piece of mind, worth to ponder..

7 visas, 1 tree, 1 hill

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Last Wed (9th June 2010), the tenants of Apartment *, Karlovo Namesti ** went to renew their visas. They went out at 5.00++ am (o_o), boarded the tram 54 (if i'm not mistaken, but the most important thing is it was a NIGHT tram) and arrived there at about 6.00 am.. [Well fellas, I know this is a report-like post, beats me]
They queued for about 2 hours (standing in lineS) JUST to wait the Foreign Police Office to open at 8.00 am, and queued for another 1 hour (approx) in that office JUST to get their numbers.
2 of them (Bon-Yang and Hoeny Bee) spent a good time went back to Praha 2, to obtain student confirmation letter from the Student Affairs Department (SAD), whilst the remaining fellas (5 osob) waited in silent, praying so hard that they can make it through. [They made a friend with a Cambodian guy who studies in Charles Uni too, archaeology, perhaps?]
They [the 5 fellas] had their brunch at the bench outside the office, with their umbrellas opened. Those Czech people stared with wonder at them as the Czechs never use umbrella for shielding them from sun. [Well, we are already tan enough, you people! No need for sunbathing..]
After having such delicacies made by one of them (the Pawang), 4 of them (Teletubbies, Mai-mon and Kak Long - including Pawang) went for a walk, just to kill the time. Ned-Mon couldn't join their company because she had a stomachache. They walked, walked, walked, walked.. After they walked, they walk again, and again, and again.. And suddenly :

Teletubbies : Hey, let's go to the small hill!
The rest : (Stared at Teletubbies, unblinked.)
Teletubbies : We are looking for a grocery shop, right? We can see lots of them from up there!
The rest : (Continue to walk)
Kak Long : Look! A shop!
Teletubbies : Buy anything you wish. It's on me..
Kak Long & Pawang : (grin)

They bought 1 juice, 1 chips (original) and another chips with onion and garlic flavour.

This is the HIGHLIGHT. They went up the small hill, found a cozy place to lie down, and found themselves drowned in a not-so-deep-sleep-but-still-satisfying for about 3 hours.

The only tree on the so-called HILL.

Take a closer look.. They slept peacefully for about 3 hours under the shades.

Ignoring passers-by (not in the pic) that stared at them, wondering if they are bunches of homeless people..

[Sometimes being abroad make you don't care much about what people think about you, as long as it makes you happy. Cut out the piercing-stares, the pointless murmur or critics. BUT!!!! Always remember tha you represent the 3 M's : Muslim, Malay, Malaysian]

MUSLIM : Do not live as an illusion Muslim, but a true one. in and out. [MASUK ISLAM SECARA KESELURUHAN - 2:208)
MALAY : Do not forget your root; of who you were, and who you are. (You are a Malay, not Malayalam whatnot).
MALAYSIA : Malaysia Boleh! yeah right, but look out for the do's and dont's..

(report, continued:)
They succeeded in making the visa renewal at 4.00 pm (it took almost 11 hours to complete it, but we still thanked God for making it possible for us). And owh, the Cambodian guy was nowhere to be found.. 0_o

Yang benar,

Pardon for the grammar error.. Dah lame tak buat karangan, dah lama tak bercakap bahasa inggeris, duk bantai cakap melayu je (bahasa czech sikit2)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

For Bon-Yang

Assalamualaikum wbt..
New look on my blog.. Refreshing, ey?
Thanks to a certain someone (Bon-Yang) of my house.. *wink*
That person "tacap" my blog, that it comes out like this..
Arigatou, komawo, dekuju moc, thanks!!!

Honestly, I'm pretty lousy at blogging.
I don't know how to edit the layout (wait, I do know some basic stuffs, does it count?), and I have bad taste in choosing the background, etc as well.
Not to mention the grammar errors etc.. (My English 1119 teacher will surely chase after me when she sees how I've become a grammar-butcher).
I have lots and lots to say and write when I'm not in front of my lappy, but when I am about to write a post, all words are gone.. Result --> piles of drafts that are waiting to be published.
Thank god this post made it's way through.
Blogwalking? No.
This is me --> The world's lousiest blogger
Okay, I was a bit exagerrating.. Cut it out now.

This post is made for that someone (Bon-Yang), who claims that she did this to release her tension (a unique way of doing it, but beneficial to others... XD)

Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Brings the Earth to happiness,
Like the Heaven above.

Thanks Bon-Yang.. Kak Long sayang Bon-Yang... XD