First of all, pardon me for any inappropriateness that might come out from my poor usage of English (grammar, vocabulary & context wise). I'm known as a terrible grammar-butcher.
Secondly, as I write this post, it might evolve from being an intelligent post to something meaningless, but I sincerely hope that it could make you (or at least, me) to think and contemplate about an essence called LIFE.
Thirdly, As some of my readers know, I'm the type of person who makes lengthy post. So I'll try to make it in few parts to tackle this issue.. (eceh, bunyi macam penganalisis politik pulak.. Ooppss bahaya2, tukar2, penganalisis ekonomi.. =p) This is partly due to the encouragement of my "knighted brother" (mentor mentee yg sama time SBPIP dulu.. Yep Syam, i'm talking bout you), who told me to revive this dying blog.
Lastly, as some of my friends (and readers) know, I'm the type of person who does things on impulse; if something piqued my curiousity, I'll immediately take interest, but I'm also the type of person who gets discouraged easily. So, depending on response on this post, I'll decide whether to talk more about this issue in the next parts or not. (warghh.. delusional kah aku? Ada ke orang yang baca & menunggu post blog ni?)
*Enough for the introductions*
DOA = Du'a = Prayer = Supplication
Bila ditanya apa itu doa, the most famous saying will be :
"Doa itu senjata Mukmin" =)
Semua orang tahu doa tu apa kan? But why not we try to see what are the take of Islamic scholars
(whoa, how I love that word)
about du'a.
Menurut buku "Du'a = The Weapon of the Believer" by Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi (no no, don't misunderstand. I don't read this book, I got too much non-fictions in my unread list, putting more in the list is an absolute no-no) :
1. du’ā is the verbal noun (masdar) of the verb ‘da’ā’ which symbolizes ‘to call out , to summon’ - Ibn Al Mandhūr al Afriqī (death date is unknown)
2. The meaning of du’ā is the servant’s asking his Lord for His Help, and asking his continued support. Its essence is that a person shows his neediness to Allāh, and frees himself from any power or ability to change (any matter by himself). This characteristic is the mark of servitude, and in it is the feeling of human submissiveness. Du’ā also carries the meaning of praising Allāh, and attributing to Him Generosity and Bounteousness.” - al Khattabī (d. 386 AH)
3. “Asking what is of benefit to the person, and asking the removal of what is harming him, or (asking) the repelling of it (before it affects him)” - Ibn Qayyim (d. 751 AH)
Maka, doa boleh disimpulkan sebagai :
1. Mainly as a form of worship (penyembahan) as stated in Surah Yunus (10:106)
Dan janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) menyembah atau memuja yang lain daripada Allah, yang tidak dapat mendatangkan manfaat kepadamu dan juga tidak dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepadamu. Oleh itu, sekiranya engkau mengerjakan yang demikian, maka pada saat itu menjadilah engkau dari orang-orang yang berlaku zalim terhadap diri sendiri dengan perbuatan syirik itu.
2. The verbal act of the seeking of aid (pertolongan), as a request (permintaan), call (panggilan), praise (pujian), or speech (ucapan), as stated in Surah al-Baqarah (2:186)
Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), bahawasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia memohon kepadaKu, maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintah) Ku dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka selalu berada dalam kebenaran.
*there are just many, many Quranic verses talking about du'a & supplications. You peeps might encounter better example than mine*
Maka, the Ultimate Question (with no reference to the Hitchhiker's science fiction series) ialah :
Apa kaitan antara Doa dan Matlamat?
Pernahkah kita distinguish doa untuk matlamat jangka pendek, sederhana, dan panjang?
Let me clarify my take on these 3 things (personal opinions only, no bashing on me please, I'm not that deep of a thinker.)
Matlamat jangka pendek : All those things that are going to happen or you expect/want to happen in the near future (exams, wish of (keep) becoming good child and friend, the well being of your family and friends etc)
Matlamat jangka sederhana : (now this is interesting. hehe.) All those things that you expect/want to happen in, let's say 5-10 (may up to your lifespan). You (We) are actually moving towards it, but unconsciously. Pening ke? Ok la, eden bagi contoh : "Nak jadi doktor yang berjaya, isteri yang solehah, ibu yang baik, keamanan negara dan sebagainya."
Matlamat jangka panjang : No question friends, of course it's about our well-being in the HereAfter.
So, what's your take on this issue? (promoter's tone)
Share your (intellectual and amusing) opinions and arguments.
*earnestly hoping for responses* (runs-and-hides)
reference from :
So long. (bows)
Wassalam wbt
p/s : Syam, post ni end up panjang jugak la... (-_-)"
Jazakillah khayr al jaza' sis for the reminder about du'a :)
ReplyDeleteI like it when you classifying dua into 3 forms. short- , intermediate-, and long-term goals.
Bila baca, muhasabah diri balik, selalunya, kita lebih bersungguh-sungguh dan lebih 'feel' bila mendoakan tentang sesuatu yg bsifat jangka pendek. In contrast, goal terakhir yang lebih penting dari semua tu, kita kadang-kadang rasa kurang 'feel' bila mengharapkannya.
Jadi, mungkin salah satu solution nya (in my opinion), mengingati mati tu, bila kita rasa kematian itu dekat, jadi long-term goal tu jadi short-term goal jugak..
faham ke? LOL
alhamdulillah dan terima kasih Allah..sakit ini membuatkan saya lebih mengingati mati :)
Neway, nice post! menunggu untuk post yg seterusnya :)
iyyaki :)
Deleteyour take on this entry also makes me reflect few things back.
teringat pesan imam ghazali :
Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?
“Tiap-tiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati, dan bahawasanya pada hari kiamat sahajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke syurga maka sesungguhnya ia telah berjaya. Dan (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahannya dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya.” (Surah Ali Imran 185)
:) nice post.. keep on writing,
ReplyDeletekata orang, perjuangan itu perlu di nukilkan
ia adalah antidot kematian, selagi tulisan kamu hidup, selagi itu perjuangan kita hidup,
biar pun kita telah di mamah bumi :)
-mama mia bilik ijau
Deletemata pena makin tumpul bila menulis, lidah makin kelu bila berbicara, tapi ya, untuk terus menghidupkan perjuangan, penulisan mesti diteruskan. =)
ReplyDeletethe Ultimate answer to the Ultimate Question is 42 (if you've read the whole series :P ) gosh, i so LOVE having inside jokes with you dear! ;)
it was an interesting read.
seeing as what we love would influence our every act, nampaknya I have to learn to love God more.. cause that way, MAYBE we could remember to make du'a for all the jangka-masa yang termaktub utk us humans. :)
and yes, we have to love Him more, more than our dearest etc. and we need to sacrifice a bit. we need to know what to give up in order to go up, ayte? =)